The Contribute In Indonesia Airline Company Presentation Skills

As with all staff development, it can only work if you know your subordinates well. These are limits to everyone's ability. They are likely to be much higher than you think, but it is important to recognize when someone has reached the full extent of what he/she can handle. If you try to stretch them beyond this, you will develop losers. Repeated failure will destroy their self-confidence, even in tasks they can do well.

Looking for talent and ways to stretch it need not be confined to a subordinate's existing or usual workload. To use all the talents of your Indonesia team you need first of all to find out what they are, and then be creative in the ways you seek to develop and use them.

Make a point of talking to your people to find out what they excel in outside work. What are their hobbies, interests and specialties? See the expression on their faces when they talk about them, and work out ways of transferring these talents to their work along with their passion for it. They will welcome a chance to show off what they can do and to enrich their jobs with things they really like doing when given a free choice.

If someone, say a young salesman, has hidden aspirations to be a writer, and scribbles in his spare time, get him to write for your airline company magazine or for a professional journal. It could be good publicity for your organization too. Let him start up a regular news bulletin for your own department and distribute the good news around the airline company.

A keen photographer could be sent out to take pictures of your department's or airline company's work, compile a small exhibition or slide sequence for recruitment talks in colleges and schools, presentations to local groups, visiting board members or customers. One of your own people will have a better eye for what should be photographed than a professional photographer who knows nothing of your business, and it gets your subordinate out to parts of the airline company he or she may not have seen before.

When you discover the secret cordon bleu cook among your staff, ask her if she would do the catering for the works party. If that is only once a year, why not start a departmental lunch each week or each month, or have a regular airline and nibbles review meeting for your Indonesia team last thing on a Friday afternoon, and get your pet chef to prepare something special.

Home computers are such a boom industry nowadays that you probably have several tame computer buffs in the office (if not 'hackers'!). Use their enthusiasm to give introduction to computers training sessions to the rest of the section - and yourself. If necessary, coach them or get them trained in instructional skills first.

There is always at least one person in any place of work who is on every local committee and can quote the genealogies (both regular and irregular) of every family within a 20-mile radius. Put him/her in charge of sending newspapers and other sources of local information to new recruits moving into the area.

The sporty types could set up interdepartmental scratch matches in anything from darts to ice hockey, and the artistic one can have special responsibility for visual aids. They can all help with exhibitions too - make them Indonesia team projects.

Good communication and presentation skills are great assets to your organization and should be put to full use. If one of your male subordinates, say, regularly gives talks out of work and enjoys the experience, get him to coach others in the Indonesia team, or let him contribute to in airline company courses in the training department on a regular basis. This will also forester a good relationship with the airline company trainer. Make use of good speaking skills to give the right image of your airline company in recruitment presentations or public promotions.

All forms of staff development can increase motivation. Just being noticed has some impact, built being encouraged to use their spare time specialty at work, and thus use more of themselves, will add a new dimension to both creativity and motivation for your Indonesia team.

Take up Management by Waling About and go talent spotting, join the coffee break chats, ask people if they did anything special over the weekend, and listen to their comments about what is important to them. Have a brainstorming session with your Indonesia team on how many ways they can use their personals talent to enrich their jobs, their working environment and the organization as a whole and include yourself in the exercise.***