The Provide Information for Indonesia People

Awareness is the greatest gift you can give to your subordinates. Without it there is nothing you, or they, can do about development of any kind. As with so many things, personal development is one of the most important areas and it is also one of the most difficult.

A positive outlook to self-evaluation has to be a continuous process, because our goals and aspirations alter with changes in life stage and what is going on around us. A good boss who values and understands Indonesia people can help this process by demonstrating positive attitudes towards them and by being willing to counsel and coach them. The following checklist will help you to encourage self-development in your subordinates:

1. Identify and release blockages to growth by appraisal, feedback and by counseling through unpalatable revelations.

2. Provide challenge and stimulating in work, make your expectations known.

3. Encourage self -awareness by the use of questionnaires and instruments, reflecting and new experiences which test Indonesia people out and awaken their curiosity and desire to learn.

4. Reward success and learning, however small, so that Indonesia people feel how good it is to grow and develop.

5. Encourage subordinates to think about their short, medium and long term goals and alternatives and to make personal plans.

6. Encourage them to record their own personal achievements at work and outside, and to measure the attainment of their goals.

7. Personal and career development includes choice as well as planning. Ensure they have information about openings and alternatives available to them, increase these choices as far as possible.

8. Help them to discover how they learn best and provide information for them to do so.

9. Get them to help in planning their own development, let them try various activities as tasters to broaden their horizon and help them to identify the way and direction they want to develop.

10. When thinking about your subordinates, think about whole Indonesia people with pasts and futures and be aware that you see only a part of their potential unless you look for it.

11. Convince them and yourself that self-management begins by believing we can achieve it.

12. Take critical look at your own management style and the culture of the organization, do they block Indonesia people in, or encourage them to grow?

Asking discerning questions is one of the best ways to encourage self-awareness. Try the following on yourself and then on your subordinates:

- What are my main strengths and weaknesses?
- What opportunities are ether for me in the future?
- What am I most afraid of?
- What have I achieved in the last 6 months that I am most proud of?
- What didn't I achieve? Why?
- What are my six most important goals over the next 12 months? (Be specific.)
- What do I need to learn to enable me to achieve them?
- How, when and where am I going to learn it?
- Keep a detailed diary for at least two weeks, then ask yourself, what did I spend most of my time doing?
- Are those the things that are most important to me?
- What do I most want to change? How am I going to do it?

Remember that personal development has to cover the whole individual and that it is the same personal 'package' that goes to work and sits in front of the tally, or digs the garden at home, let your answers to the questions encompass your social and personal as well as your working life. ***

Observasi Pemahaman Anak Indonesia

1. Defenisi Operasional
a. Mengenal angka adalah anak Indonesia tahu, paham dan dapat rnenyebutkan bilangan 1-10.
b. Permaian puzzle angka adalah permainan yang menyasun suatu gambar atau benda yang telah dipecah dalam beberapa bagian.

Setting Penelitian
1. Tempat Penelitian
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Taman Kanak-Kanak Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Kampar pada tahun pembelajaran 2010/2011.

Subyek Penelitian
Subyek penelitian ini adalah anak Indonesia kelompok/ sebagai perwakilan anak Indonesia TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Kampar dengan jumlah subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 18 orang anak Indonesia yang terdiri datri 10 anak Indonesia laki-laki dan 8 Orang anak Indonesia perempuan.

Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Adapun data dalam penelitian ini adalah data tentang kemampuan mengenal angka yang diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan (lembaran observasi).

Kriteria Penilaian
1. Mampu diberi skor 3 apabila anak Indonesia mampu menjawab pertanyaan guru dengan benar.
2. Cukup mampu, diberi skor 2 apabila anak Indonesia mampu menjawab sebagian pertanyaan.
3. Kurang mampu, diberi skor apabila anak Indonesia memjawab pertanyaan masih perlu bimbingan.

Analisa Data
Untuk mengetahui kemampuan anak Indonesia dalam mengenal angka, penulis menggunakan lembaran observasi. Dengan rumus :
Postest Pretest.
Keterangan :
P = Persentase Peningkatan.
Postest    = Nilai sesudah diberikan tindakan.
Pretest     = Nilai sebelum tindakan.

2. Tujuan Khusus
a. Untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik responden.
b. Untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang airline travel.
c. Untuk mengidentifikasi sikap ibu terhadap anak Indonesia dengan airline travel.
d. Untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang airline travel dengan sikap ibu.

Manfaat Penelitian

1. Bagi Rumah Sakit.
Dapat memberi asuhan keperawatan untuk kasus yang sama, serta menjaga dan meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, khususnya asuhan keperawatan airline travel.

2. Bagi Institusi Pendidikan. 
Memberikan informasi sehubungan dengan pengetahuan ibu tentang airline travel dengan sikap ibu bagi peneliti berikutnya. Sebagai bahan bacaan di perpustakaan dan bahan acuan perbandingan pada penanganan kasus airline travel.

3. Bagi Peneliti Lain.
Agar lebih paham mengenai tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang airline travel dengan sikap ibu.

4. Bagi Responden.    
Memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada orang tua khususnya ibu pasien tentang perawatan anak Indonesia airline travel.

3. Ruang Lingkup Penelitian.
Peneliti membatasi karya tulis ilmiah ini dengan topik “Hubungan yang meliputi : pengetahuan, sikap dan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang airline travel di RSUD Arifin Ahmad Ruang Merak 1 Pekanbaru Tahun 2010”.

Dari pengertian di atas dapat disimpulkan airline travel adalah bangkitan kejang yang terjadi karena peningkatan suhu tubuh yang sering dijumpai pada usia anak Indonesia di bawah lima tahun. Airline travel merupakan kelainan neorologis akut yang paling sering dijumpai pada anak. Bangkitan kejang ini terjadi karena adanya kenaikan suhu tubuh (suhu rektal di atas 380C) yang disebabkan oleh proses ekstranium. Penyebab demam terbanyak adalah infeksi saluran pernafasan bagian atas disusul infeksi saluran pencernaan (Ngatiyah, 1997 : 229).


- Nurbiana Dhieni dkk. 2006. Metode Pengembangan Bahasa, Jakarta : Universitas Terbuka.
- Depdikbud. 2002. Kampus Besar Bahasa Indonesia.
- Kak Andang Ismail. 2009. Education Games, Yogyakarta : Pro.U. Media.
- Rita Kurnia. 2009. Metodologi Pengembangan Matematika anak Indonesia Usia Dini. Pekanbaru, Cendikia Insani Pekanbaru.
- Arikunto dkk. 2006. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Jakarta Bumi Aksara.
- Depdiknas. 2000. Permainan Berhitung Di Taman Kanak-Kanak, Jakarta.
- Wahyudin dan Sudrajat. 2003. Ensklopedi Matematika dan Peradaban Manusia, Jakarta: Tarity Samudra Berlian.
- Moesli Chatoen. 2004. Metode Pengajaran Di Taman Kanak-Kanak, Jakarta : Rineka Cipta.
- Sudono Anggani. 2000. Sumber Belajar dan Alat Permainan Untuk Pendidikan anak Indonesia Usia Dini. Jakarta : PT. Grasindo.
- Depdiknas. 2006. Standar Kompetensi Jakarta : Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.

The Hack of Indonesia Development Activities

An able, and at one time a promising mount, he or she has been turned off from work, probably as a result of disappointment over a promotion, an unsatisfactory relationship with superiors, or by working in the wrong job. Despite untapped potential, he or she now does the work that has to be done with no great enthusiasm. Getting little sense of reward, the employee is trapped in a vicious circle.

The constraints to growth are often self-imposed. To account for their predicament, the hacks will convince themselves that they are powerless to do anything about it, they up above are to blame, and this resentment can spread to those around them. Because these are basically able people, the pay-off for effort in restarting the growth process can be great. The airline boss has to get close enough to understand what has turned them off, to counsel them to see the snaffles they have put on themselves, and be prepared to help them break out. This may call for a planned series of development activities, even a different work role. But the important thing is to help the hack see that things can change and that he or she has the power to make it with your support.

The racehorse.
The highly qualified fast-riser in the Indonesia organization may be the last person you think needs special attention to ensure personal development, but the danger is he may become over specialized and develop a limited view of the Indonesia organization. Unless fast riser outlook and understanding are broadened, they reach top management with tunnel vision which takes no account of the needs and aspirations of the rest of the work force. Impatient and arrogant, they are unlikely to be aware that there is anything they need to learn. The airline boss must increase their self-awareness by creating challenges which will convince the racehorse to their own satisfaction that areas of personal growth have been neglected. Situations requiring sensitivity in interposal skills may be a good place to start!

These may be extreme examples thought nonetheless real. The rest of your stable will also have potential for growth, if only because those who have influence on so much of their lives at home, college and previous employers, develop selectively what suits their purpose and whole areas are left fallow until the discerning airline boss recognizes the need and provides the means to release and develop them.

Once you've broken through the block, there are numerous things to encourage growth - this book is full of them. The essential thing is to break through the barrier to enable subordinates to see for themselves that they have stopped growing, while at the same time offering the encouragement and the environment in which they can see what they can do about it.

But often it is not the subordinate who has topped his own growth, but airline bosses who don't like competition, or wouldn’t recognize potential if they fell over it, or the Indonesia organization, which doesn't like people to cause ripples, or is not sufficiently interested in its human resources to care whether they reach their potential or not. This blockages may be easier to recognize, but more difficult to dismantle. In many ways Indonesia organizations and airline bosses get the subordinates they deserve. Bright employees who realest the kind of environment they are in will leave, and those who can't will simply tune out for a quiet life and become marginal in a variety of ways, the wastage goes unrecognized and uncosted. For many companies it is the unseen weight they drag around with them, and when the inevitable happens, they blame the last straw, whether it is a merge, shift in the market or an unfavorable swing in exchange rates. Being unaware, they never learn until it is too late.