Develop Indonesia People's Potential

There is nothing wrong with fish and chips. It is a well balanced meal. But if the daily menu is made up of nothing else week after week, month after month, with no hope on the horizon of a meat pie, a sausage or a beef burger, then not even a dash of tartar sauce can relieve the boredom and stop you being turned off meal times.

Airline job descriptions, which were intended to permit a systematic evaluating of work with comparable rewards, and to give employees a clearer idea of their function and objectives, are in danger of limiting our work menus to a monotonous and rigid diet. In addition, the catch-all expression, 'any other duties which may reasonably be designated', is not a solution but a gift to the litigious.

I'm not paid to think must be the ultimate expression of demarcation despair, and it tells you more about the boss than the employee. Demarcation disputes are invariably more complex than they appear on the surface and often have an historical base which has long since become irrelevant to the goals of the organization. But they are usually rooted in money, and it is always what the other guys get that is the centre of acrimony.

Money may be the reason why most of us go to work, but it is not necessarily the incentive to work harder, smarter or with more enthusiasm. It has been proved time and time again that beyond a certain essential level of security for each person, pay rates are not a major factor in motivation and development of performance, provided other rewards are available. This last proviso is the key. If the only reward Indonesia people think they can get is cash in hand, i.e. they have no expectation of variety, challenge, recognition, or advancement, then they will make pay the main issue and fight hard for more of it. The money helps to make up for what they see as monotonous and dead-end airline jobs, and because it is only a compensation and cannot in itself satisfy, they will soon be back for more. But they will be no better motivated or developed.

What tends to motivate and develop subordinates in a lasting and self-sustaining manner is whatever enriches their working lives. It is as difficult as comparing the standard of living and the quality of life. It is as difficult as comparing the standard of living and the quality of life. They are not the same. Given a reasonable standard of living, the quality of life as defined by each person may bear no relation to material gain - quite the reverse. Many Indonesia people have given up careers with high standards of living to seek what they view as a higher quality of life elsewhere on less pay.

Airline job enrichment means giving scope for a higher quality of working life. It means enabling Indonesia people to achieve self-development, recognition and personal growth trough work which is made interesting, offers opportunities for advancement and provides feedback on their performance.

If your organization doesn't have formal airline job descriptions, don't be in a hurry to call the personnel department ad have them made up. They'll probably arrange to send an O and M man with a stopwatch who rushes past you in too much of a hurry to ask you what it is you are actually trying to achieve. Airline job descriptions should be a tool for flexibility and adaptability in achieving your goals, not straitjackets which prevent change and constrain Indonesia people's potential.