The Partnership Approach to Recruitment

Some mangers select and run in a new car with more care and consideration than a new employee. They take the attitude that new Indonesian people should be left to sink or swim. Apart from the loss of production and turnover costs resulting from those who sink, there can be longer term detrimental effects upon the whole team by those who choose to float. Having discovered they are in the wrong job or the wrong organization, and unable to afford to cut their losses, they decide to hang on and ride until something else comes along. These are the marginal employees, demotivated, performing under par, a deadweight on the indonesia team but still on the payroll.

The process of developing the Indonesia people begins the day they arrive, and it is not just school-leavers and junior grades who need good induction. Middle and senior managers and production, technical and administrative staff need to be introduced quickly and effectively into the work and culture of your Indonesia team. The sooner it becomes their team too, the sooner they will want to contribute to its output. The same goes for transfers from other departments or companies in the same group. Those Indonesia people transferred may have served for some time in the company and generally familiar with company policy, but they will not be your Indonesia people, sharing your values, unless you take care to nurture them in their new roles.

Induction sets the pattern for longer term motivation, commitment and loyalty. It influences the range and quality of relationships new employees make within and across departments. The lasting impact of early relationships and information should never be underestimated. We are all social animals and soon learn from birth what is acceptable behavior in various situations and such groups as the family, school, clubs and our own peer group. We do this by gradually absorbing the prevailing attitudes and values around us. This same process of socialization is equally powerful at work, but to leave induction to the natural process not only unnecessarily prolongs the exercise, it can result in the wrong attitudes and values being passed on.

If the boss does not make time to share his vision with the new recruit, the lest committed members of the workforce soon will!
Induction really begins with recruitment advertising. It is at this stage that potential candidates begin to create their own fantasies about the job and the organization. The way selecting is carried out, and subsequent documentation and recruitment procedures will either enhance the fantasy or being to turn the dream into a nightmare. If you want to develop your staff well for the future by starting at the beginning, then recruitment is too important to leave to the personnel department. Have your say in drafting the advertisement and in selection and interview procedures.

Once the choice has been made, take a personal interest in the appointees' circumstances, family relocation problems, removal expenses and timing of the start date. Be seen by the new recruit and Indonesia team to be doing everything you can to ensure a smooth entry into the organization. This partnership approach to recruitment may be a new experience for some personnel officers, but it is worth the effort of establishing your right to participate fully and you will reap benefits in the long term.

There may be a gap of weeks or even a couple of months before the new recruit starts work, a hiatus between two loyalties and two environments that can be a time of uncertainty and doubt. The enthusiasm and commitment following a successful appointment needs to be maintained by putting the new person in immediate contact with his new boss, sending background information on the company e.g. back numbers of the house journal or departmental newsletter and providing advance information on the new job. Arrangements should also be made for the new recruits to spend a couple of days familiarizing themselves with the new environment before the official start date. If the Indonesia people are moving in from another part of the country, delegate to someone the task of sending them local newspaper until they arrive in the area.